Photographed in Hong Kong, 2003 and 2010

Red-white pearlscales

Chinese pearlscales

Note the fantail-type finnage and the good red colour in these fish; strong red colouration seems to be lacking in Western pearlscales which are usually orange-white. Notice also the extreme roundness of the bodies.

Tricolour pearlscales

Chinese pearlscales

Black-white-red fish with fantail-style finnage.

Oranda pearlscales

black oranda pearlscale red oranda pearlscale

Oranda pearlscales photographed in Hong Kong, 2010.

oranda pearlscales oranda pearlscales

These fish have an oranda-style hood: a prominent growth on the top of the head (cranial region) giving the appearance of a hood, with less well developed growths on the cheeks and gills (infra-orbital and opercular regions). Note that the finnage is longer (as in the ryukin and the man-yu), being intermediate between the fantail and the veiltail. Called crown pearlscales in the USA.

Fancy pearlscales

fancy pearlscales

Oranda pearlscales of various colours with larger than usual, bubble-like hoods. At bottom left is an oranda pearlscale dragon eye (an oranda pearlscale with globe eyes).

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