Black ranchu

black ranchu black ranchu

High quality Chinese black ranchu with good hood growth and a smooth, well curved dorsal contour, although with some pale colouration on the underside. The fish on the right has a deep body contour. Photographed in Hong Kong, August 2010.

Calico ranchu

calico ranchu calico ranchu
calico ranchu calico ranchu

Calico ranchu with fine red-white-black spangled colour pattern including some silver scales. There is minimal or no blue colour, as is strictly required for good calico fish according to Western standards, but this spangled colour pattern is seen in Chinese ranchu and is most attractive. Photographed in Hong Kong, June 2012 (top) and August 2010 (bottom).

Metallic ranchu

red-white ranchu red-silver ranchu
silver ranchu silver ranchu

Various metallic ranchu photographed in low light giving a mauve colour cast. The fish at top left are white with red-white hoods, red crowns and some red in the fins; the fish at top right is red-silver; the bottom fish are silver with pink-coloured hoods. All these are typical Chinese colour patterns, seen in ranchu, lionheads, orandas and globe eyes, as illustrated elsewhere in this website. Photographed in Hong Kong, August 2010.

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