A separate standard for the redcap oranda was published in 2016; previously, it was included as an oranda variety. The standard calls for a square-edged tail like that of the moor and the veiltail; this is difficult to achieve, and a forked tail is allowable but will be downpointed in shows. Far Eastern imports have a deeply-forked, thin-lobed tail and frequently have excellent cap development with good colour depth; all of the redcaps in the pictures below have the Far Eastern style finnage (although the uppermost photos show a fish bred in Britain).

The standard calls for a prominent growth (cap) on the top of the head (cranial region) only, giving the appearance of a hood, and no hood growth on the cheeks and gills (infra-orbital and opercular regions). In practice, it is difficult to avoid some slight fattening of the cheeks and gills, and occasionally one sees a redcap with a round face and red lips which is rather doll like.

In the Far East, fish with the rasberry-like growth covering the entire head are known as tigerheads, whilst the name oranda is reserved for fish with a prominent growth (cap) on the top of the head only, giving the appearance of a hood, and with less well developed growths on the cheeks and gills.

Redcap orandas first appeared around the year 1590.


The redcap oranda standard is as follows:

The fish should be bright and alert. The body should be short and rounded with a smooth outline. The dorsal fin should be carried high and erect, and the caudal fin well divided and flowing gracefully. The hood should be well developed and in the cranial region only (see "Finnage and body plan" on our goldfish information page).

The colour should be metallic with deep red on the cap only, and the rest of the body should be white.

Ideal profiles are illustrated below:

redcap oranda standard, side view redcap oranda standard, top view



Mature adults

redcap oranda goldfish redcap oranda goldfish

Redcap oranda shown at both BAS and GSGB 2011.

redcap oranda goldfish redcap oranda goldfish

Redcap orandas photographed in Hong Kong in 2006.

redcap oranda redcap oranda
redcap oranda redcap oranda
redcap orandas

Fish photographed in Hong Kong, December 2003.

Red colouration is confined to the top of the hood, which is enlarged; the growth on the cheeks and gills is less well developed. The body is silver-white (as in the bottom picture; there is a colour cast in the other photographs). Any red on the body or the fins is a fault, although occasional specimens with red lips are reminiscent of circus clowns.

Note the typical Far Eastern finnage.

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